We are recognized by the Carl's Jr Spain restaurant chain , which has given us a place on its 'walk of fame'.

The Carl’s Junior Star Award recognises us for “having the honourable merit of having contributed to the social and cultural development of our locality”.


The entity receives the Carmen Alborch award for the defense of equality granted by PSOE Santander.

The awards recognise the defence of equality, the visibility of women and the fight against gender violence by entities and organisations in the city.


This year, Elisabet Justamante, co-founder of the NGO, receives recognition for her excellent volunteer work within the “Rompe la Cadena” (break the chain) program, awarded by Diaconía.

This network is made up of different organizations with extensive experience with the same goal: to fight human trafficking and offer care to victims and survivors of this social crisis.

The same year we also received recognition for our commitment and involvement from the "El Dueso" Prison.

Nueva Vida offerspersonal care, psychosocial support and legal assistance to people deprived of liberty , with special attention to inmates with limited resources.


This year the entity received the Social Volunteering Award granted by Diaconía España , a platform for Protestant social work.


The Nueva Vida Association was founded in 1998. It began its work with support programs for people without freedom and prostituted women.

Just a few years later, in 2003, in the framework of the 25th anniversary of the Spanish Constitution, it received recognition for its work in prisons.