A social business project for the economic and social integration of people at risk of exclusion, especially women who are survivors of sexual exploitation.

This is how Nueva Vida Textile was born!

The social care we provide at the Nueva Vida Association aims to generate real opportunities for the people we care for to develop an autonomous and independent life. Therefore, integration into the labor market in decent and stable conditions is essential.
This is how, in 2021, the entity made the decision to create a textile manufacturing business project to promote the training, professionalisation and job integration of people at risk of exclusion.
From the beginning, the entity has had the collaboration of the company AUSTRAL Sport and the City Council of Camargo.

          A couple of facts:

  • In total, 22 people have participated in this project (18 women and 4 men).
  • 8 women in contexts of sexual exploitation, 3 people under international protection, 1 homeless couple and 10 people at risk of exclusion.
  • 90% are foreigners who come from countries in conflict or with serious economic and social crises.
  • 77% have dependents (most are mothers with minor children).
  • A total of 19 people have been trained.
  • Of the total number of people trained, 10 are already working.
  • 7 of those 10 are people over 40 years old.

Do you want to collaborate with this project?

Address: C/Alday, 10 – 39600 Maliaño, Cantabria| Contact: ptextil@asociacionnuevavida.org| 61009717