Participación social de las mujeres en contextos de prostitución
Topic: Prostitution| 2025. Informe realizado con el objetivo de conocer el grado de participación social de las mujeres en contextos de prostitución en Cantabria y promover medidas que ayuden a reducir su aislamiento y mejorar su bienestar físico, mental y social.
Funded: Gobierno de Cantabria [Read more]
People in prostitution in the city of Santander
Topic: Prostitution| 2021-22. Report on people in prostitution situations in the city of Santander (Cantabria). A description of the group that includes sociodemographic characteristics and aspects related to the lives of people in prostitution situations in Santander.
Fundedby Ayuntamiento de Santander. [Read more]
Homeless people in Cantabria
Topic: Homelessness| 2021. Report on homeless people in Cantabria. A description of the group that includes sociodemographic characteristics and aspects related to life without a home.
Funded: ICASS of the Government of Cantabria. [Read more]
People in prostitution in the city of Santander
Topic: Homelessness| 2021. Report on homeless people in Cantabria. A description of the group that includes sociodemographic characteristics and aspects related to life without a home.
Fundedby Ayuntamiento de Santander. [Read more]